Sunday, October 16, 2005

I went downtown last Friday night with my camera. Thought I might see what kind of images I could capture in the dark. What I found out was that people were very curious about what I was doing with a camera and tripod on the streets at 10:30 PM. A number of people went by, and most of them stopped to talk, and then asked me to take their picture.

These two guys were driving down the steet, saw me, then stopped, backed up and found a parking place. They got out of the car and posed for me in the glow of a neon light in the window of the Dubble SS Saloon.

The Shonehouse was my last shot. A cold autumn wind was whipping down the street and it was time to go home.


shavizzle said...

Is the first picture from the steps of the courthouse looking down bridge street? Hi. It's shavawn. I'm just wondering. These are nice photo's. by the way.

Winnemucca's Own said...

nice pictures pa!

although the steward brothers are funny, i like the picture of shone house the best!

~Bungalow Bill~ said...

yes shavawn, that's your bustling hometown, downtown, on a friday night from the court house steps.