Monday, September 11, 2006

Knott Creek

Took a little road trip to spend the afternoon floating around in this lake on a pneumatic chair. Fly fishing in one of the most storied little gems in the state. We hiked up to the top of this hill on the west side to get a nice panoramic shot. And of course, for the view. On the way up, we flushed out fourteen or fifteen mule deer, then watched as they gracefully bounded up the rocky hillside and disappeared over the crest.

I was keeping an eye on a pair of eagles we had been watching fly around for the last hour. When I got up on the outcrop, one of the eagles came down and started doing tight circles around me as I was standing on the peak of the rock. Then they soared slowly away, drifting over to the other side of the canyon.

It was magical. I can still feel its power.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Ray Abshire, Courtney Granger, and Andre Michot, these guys produce some very strange and mysterious music. Something Harry Smith and his Old Weird America might contain. Singing in Acadian French Cajun, in a high wail that might sound like death, they play trance music typically used in their own big dance parties at a Mardi Gras like the Mamou Mardi Gras Courir

It was an incredible evening.

On the back wall you can see the talisman made from the horsehair that Betse Ellis fiddled off her bow when the Wilders were in town.