Monday, February 27, 2006

"Need to Know Metallica."

I was coming out of Raley's grocery tonight. This is what I found on the bulletin board in the foyer. While I was taking it down, Michelle Doyle came into the store, so I showed her what I was doing. I handed it to her so she could have a look. She laughed, and said that Sean is in her class.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Red Eye

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The World Is a Beautiful Place
by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind happiness
not always being
so very much fun
if you don't mind a touch of hell
now and then
just when everything is fine
because even in heaven
they don't sing
all the time

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind some people dying
all the time
or maybe only starving
some of the time
which isn't half bad
if it isn't you

Oh the world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't much mind
a few dead minds
in the higher places
or a bomb or two
now and then
in your upturned faces
or such other improprieties
as our Name Brand society
is prey to
with its men of distinction
and its men of extinction
and its priests
and other patrolmen

and its various segregations
and congressional investigations
and other constipations
that our fool flesh
is heir to

Yes the world is the best place of all
for a lot of such things as
making the fun scene
and making the love scene
and making the sad scene
and singing low songs and having inspirations
and walking around
looking at everything
and smelling flowers
and goosing statues
and even thinking
and kissing people and
making babies and wearing pants
and waving hats and
and going swimming in rivers
on picnics
in the middle of the summer
and just generally
'living it up'
but then right in the middle of it
comes the smiling

Your Catfish Friend
by Richard Brautigan

If I were to live my life
in catfish forms
in scaffolds of skin and whiskers
at the bottom of a pond
and you were to come by
one evening
when the moon was shining
down into my dark home
and stand there at the edge
of my affection
and think, "It's beautiful
here by this pond. I wish
somebody loved me,"
I'd love you and be your catfish
friend and drive such lonely
thoughts from your mind
and suddenly you would be
at peace,
and ask yourself, "I wonder
if there are any catfish
in this pond? It seems like
a perfect place for them."

Happy Valentine's Day - bb

Monday, February 13, 2006

Did they ever find that kinetic energy model site with the dancing diagrams?

Life With Bob & Ted

Hi, Bob....I just sent you the payment for the Stuyvesant Hotel shot glass via PayPal.And, If you can....please mail it to :Peggy McMahon14R Stockholm AvenueRockport, MA 01966I'm assuming that the shipping will be the same, if not please send it to me. But, I'd really like her to get it, so please help me on this if you can...Thanks...I had a little trouble with PayPal, in that I did not want to pay via credit card, because of the charges that you would incur. So, I paid by echeck. This was disappointing, because I thought that the money would be taken from my PayPal balance, but it was really taken from my checking account. Not to mention adding time to the deal.But it was enlightening, in that if this happens again, I'll try to transfer from my PayPal account with a direct email to the recipient.Also, I removed the PayPal option from my own listings as now I know why people were having such trouble trying to pay me. With the PayPal listing on the sheet, it seems as buyers are funneled into paying via Credit card.So I deleted the PayPal heading, and listed in my payment option block that I accept PayPal balance transfers, but NO CREDIT CARDS. This is how I had previously listed items, and had no trouble. As I say, this was enlightening to me. And, I hope that it helps you, too. Let me know.... After the item is received by either me (in PA or Peggy in MA) positive feedback will posted for you.Thanks again....Ted Straub

This came in my email today.

Sun Down Moon Up

Here is the moon.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

More Black Sun

The sun goes down another day in the Great Basin. The Big Empty. Tonight is nearly a full moon, so sundown and moonrise happen together.