Monday, February 05, 2007

Town of Humboldt Redux

I've done a bit more research on this, and have determined that I have posted photo's of "Humboldt House" in the previous post, not the "Town of Humboldt".

Not sure there is a "town" of Humboldt.

There is a "Humboldt City", which lies a few miles east, up in "Humboldt Canyon", in the........ you guessed it, the Humboldt Mountains. Just about where the Humboldt River wraps around the north end of the Humboldt Mountains.

"Humboldt House", pictured above and below, was the name of the stage station, and then railroad stop.

All of these Humboldt's were in Humboldt County, until someone burned down the courthouse in Winnemucca. Because of that fire, the Humboldts all moved to Pershing County, where they have remained since 1919.


Winnemucca's Own said...

I always knew there was a reason that I didn't like Lovelock. Or Pershing County. I mean besides the overwhelming smell of feedlot around the place. Hahaha!

MorsaJones said...

where did you do this research? it's fun learning the history of the world around you, isn't it?