Friday, July 01, 2005

Vanishing Point

Does this look like the focal point of one of the hippest spots on the planet? Turns out that it is, and this is where we started and ended our journey into the city each day.

Thinking back on it, seems like we were participating in a game of Zelda, or maybe Metriod. Thanks to our hosts, the approach and departure from these terminals were executed with great precision. Seems like folks raised on video games have brought those skills to riding the subway, making a game of finding exactly the correct position on the platform to wait for transport to the next level, repeating the process on the train, taking the correct seat in preparation for entry into the overworld.

By the way, you can even find local blogs organized by stops on the subway trains in NY.

1 comment:

MorsaJones said...

that is so true.. the connection between video games and the subway stop phenomenon.. especially considering the hosts.. hehe.. ;)