Monday, June 14, 2010




Went back up to the Santa Rosa mountains over the weekend. This is a great time of the year in the northern part of the Great Basin. The roads have only been open a little while, the snow drifts and mud holes have pretty much given way. The main roads seemed to have been recently bladed.

Everywhere you look there is a little brook carrying away the cold, cold water. It's a big country, and it was completely empty.




Winnemucca's Own said...

I really like that second picture

Sam Hipkins said...

Hi Bill...I don't get it obviously, because is my fourth time at posting a comment. Each time it looks as if it will go through, but I don't get any notification. What in the world am I doing wrong? Dunno? So here I go once again...The ride up and over the Santa Rosa was marvelous, great scenery, wild flowers, good friends and lunch amongst the cow patties, now what could be better?