Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sacred Ground

Inspiration - Illumination

We sent our brother John Allen off in a manner he would have fully appreciated. A wake filled with his spirit, his friends, his artwork & totems, and his writings & poetry. Conversation, music, singing & dancing, smiles & tears, and hugs. The land, the wind and the sun.

Home was filled with small children of all sizes playing hide-and-seek on the stairways and in the doors.

The moon, and then fireworks, and likely some gunfire off in the distance.

We spread his ashes over his 80 acres. These lands along the White River hold a powerful medicine, and now he has joined with it.

John Allen Sims
Born: Troy, Alabama September 29, 1948
Died: Chadron, Nebraska January 12, 2009

Look at more photos

John Allen's Blog - Mind over Matters


~Bungalow Bill~ said...

Somebody say something, or I may begin to believe you all have disappeared?

revolutionary45 said...

I'm glad he was sent off in a way he deserved, by friends and family he loved. And the pictures are beautiful, I was looking at them at the office and folks keep walking by and asking where it was, and that it looked like wonderful country...