A Trail
We've just gotten the resources together to build a trail from Winnemucca to the top of Winnemucca Mountain.
A single track bike trail, winding around the mountain for up to eleven miles.
The concept is to keep the overall grade to the top at about 6%, so you won't have to be a mountain goat to ride all the way to the top. Or, you could have somebody drive you up to the top, and drop you off. Then ride downhill, or coast, all the way to town.
The entire length is to be new single track construction, likely with the use of some existing single track game trails, None of the route is to be on two track jeep roads. The trail is intended for the use of hikers, bicyclists, and horseback riders. It would be nice if we could find a few water seeps, so that a drink might be had along the way.
Now that the funds are secure, or we hope nearly so, the next steps are the layout and design, and of course, a mountain of paper processed to make sure everyone's interests are addressed, and to ensure the agencies are all lined up, with the proper authority identified, so they can give each other permission.
There is still much work to do, and many questions to be answered, but the funding carries with it a certain kind of inertia that should help move the project along.
One thing we know, there is not much shade to get under anywhere on the mountain.
That is great to hear Bill! I can't wait to see a sunset from the back side of that mountain. Also, sorry I didn't see your post a few weeks ago. It's been buy, I haven't even been reading blogs much.
Good Job Pa!
Its hard to believe there is so much red tape for such a simple thing in a pretty small town.
Now you just need to tune up your bike and go cruising down the mountain.
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