Monday, April 17, 2006

The Black Cats Run for Cover

This all started the other day, when I had to go to the big city for a meeting.

I had dropped my camera out of my backpack, and didn't know when it happened. So I get up in the morning, back in Muccabull Springs, and it was raining very hard, and it had been raining for hours. So I went into my backpack for the camera, cause I was going to go outside and take some pictures. But it wasn't there, cause it was laying under a table in a dark room in the corner of a big important looking building over 150 miles away. Of course I didn't know that, so I had to go on the hunt for about 60 hours, or until it was found four days later.

So anyway, I was going to miss this great photo op because I had lost my camera. So I borrowed one, and took this during the storm. It's Akien.


shavizzle said...

is this melarkey street..or lay street or some other street that I'm obviously not recognizing

Zack Sheppard said...

"Muccabull Springs" that is so awesome.